Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Une Vie Rangï

Sometimes I wonder if there is any possible way I could settle down, move to North Dakota and live of the land. There is nothing more perfect than Pavement’s “Range Life” to examine the possibility of a middle class twenty something contemplating whether or not he can live a life of mundane obscurity. How I wish I could have this pop song playing in my head for all eternity, luckily there are so many lyrics that have stuck holes in my head to satisfy the craving.

“Hey you gotta’ pay your dues before you pay the rent.”
This is where I’m at right now in life and have been before. Money isn’t something that’s given, but growing up in an upper middle class family can at times feel like a life of luxury. However very quickly we discover that work must be done to earn these amenities.

“Until you snort it up or shoot it down your never gonna’ feel free.”

Drugs are something that temporarily heals the gaping void of existence. Filling that void with passions is rewarding, but so is the temptation of mixing drugs together with passions.

“School’s out what did you expect?”

So many kids go to school expecting bliss and for the most part receiving it. Then the big chill hits and you realize that the rest of your life a waits. So far I have found one true way of dealing with the continuous prospect of career building, relationship hunting, and peace of mind.
“Dreamin’ dream dream dream.”

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