Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Honestly I smoke because I want to die. I do drugs because I want to live before I die. I fuck because it feels good. Skinny bitches don't care when it feels good. Don't judge the turn when it comes so cold. Feel the burn no matter the color. Now is the time to let the tides turn. So let the bad things flood in because that's where the happiness lives. Cockiness and spite for the past. Don't let your imitations become a burden. She walks away like a golden trench of love. It is a fucking pity to let the ghosts take over. Listen to the voices in your head, it doesn't make you crazy. Just take a moment to know how fine you feel. So come along lads. There's not much more to feel. It's only this one little spurt of sprite forgiveness. I'll swim a thousand laps. But you know what I'm starting to not give a shit.

"Maybe, someone's going to save me, my heart is made of gravy."

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Awful Bliss

"You chose a giant step, caught your eye."

And in that moment of pure love and joy every moment of the past dissolves into a melting pot of intrepidity. A rush of blood to the stars below blurs what could never be. Flashing a glimpse of desuetude collapses the montage of certitude. 

"Guaranteed sweetness that you thought broken."

Can we please forget the longing for companionship for two seconds if only to come to a realization of ourselves. Having another soul to worry about is comforting. Loneliness is underrated. Cold enough to the touch that warmth is only a lukewarm wonder. 

"And you were not fine, and bearing in mind."

Nothing can be taken away from us. Our memories function as a reminder of the unrest that is felt in times of purity. Do what you want and love it. Love yourself to the infinite amount possible. Forget about any insecurity and get lost inside of the rhythm. 

"Other ones that you could have wed, and hopefully dread."

They can be seen on Halloween dressed in drag. Reminding you of how imperfect all relationships will always be. Stone statues turn to religion to balance their stiffness. And when the aliens come down they will play songs of hatred for memory. If only to remind themselves of the hurt that lies at the fingertips. 

"And I wouldn't dare to bring out this awful bliss."

Only you can. 

"No I wouldn't dare to bring out this awfulness."