Monday, December 23, 2013

Difference is Time

"On my headstone it will be written, 'Life is hard even if you cheat'."
Let us drink a toast to the times in life when everything seems to be going just right. When the world kindly decides not to throw any curve balls in your direction. There is truly nothing wrong in your life. So then ask yourself the question, "What is the difference between now and then?" You are the same person living in the same convoluted world as before. Yet somehow things have kindly fallen into place as if some high power has granted your soul a brief yet full fulling gauge on what happiness feels like. Looking at this a little closer it becomes clear that rationally the good times will end and we are left to feel the emptiness of knowing that at one time we were on top of the world. So does that mean the true desire is mediocrity? Or can we realize that life is just a dream followed by a nightmare followed by a dream. Just make sure there is blood left in your heart to make sure your still alive.

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