Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Miss June '75

Can't take the fact that my mind is bound to be completely lost to a woman. The woman, or maybe just women in general. Chances are almost certain that the opposite sex will creep their way into my thought dreams. How can you really hide that feeling buried deep within our genetics to lose ourselves to that special someone. It's as certain as the moon. But the moon has many colors. I see red, orange, green, purple, blue all surrounding it like a luminous aura shedding a glorious ferocity that is not to be defeated. There is truly no way to escape the encapsulating feeling brought on by the wave of sexuality that engulfs the mind every day. Subtract loneliness and you still have that potent lure of a warmth cured by only one thing. The quenching thirst can never be relinquished because on the other side there is always a constant sound. 
"Don't stop. I'm almost there." 

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